Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the last airbender

~~~warning~~~~.... i may be spoiling the movie if you keep reading....

after seeing the line at the lincoln theater for tuesday premiere night of the last airbender, i almost turned away and started walking towards dinner. it was a hot mess, peoples, hot mess. there was no way i was going to wait in that line.

while contemplating where we should go for dinner, a kind soul offered to get us on the VIP list for the passes. we didn't refuse ^-^.

the movie was actually fairly entertaining. i didn't even mind the baby moses part at the end with the lifting of water... and then just letting it plop back down into the ocean. and what exactly was that thing that could not only fly but also swim thru arctic waters? because i want one...

1 comment:

  1. you didn't even spoil the good parts, fail.
